Course Description

Ready to transform or create your LinkedIn Company Page?

You have seconds to make a great first impression. What impression is your LinkedIn Company Page making right now?

Is it helping you to be known, remembered and chosen for the problem for your ideal clients?

LinkedIn company pages connect together people through their profiles, of current and previous staff. They are another no-cost landing page that can be ranked by Google, so whether you are part of a large organisation, or a consultant, is it time to take advantage of a LinkedIn Company Page?

I'm Jo Saunders, known as the LinkedIn Demystifier, a leading LinkedIn expert in Australia. I guide professionals and organisations in setting up and using tools such as LinkedIn effectively and efficiently, with personality, and have been actively learning and teaching LinkedIn since 2010. Connect with me:

You are invited to join the LinkedIn Transformation Program

I have trained thousands of people in how to set up and use LinkedIn through mentoring, and workshops. This online course brings the training to anyone, anywhere at an affordable price.

Is this program for you?

Do you want to...

... build and boost your professional brand?

... be the go-to-expert in your field?

... take up the first page go Google results?

... attract more leads and opportunities?

... be known remembered and chosen?

If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, have some time and are ready to invest in yourself, then lets get started!

If you want all this but have no time, then chat to me about my other profile building, mentoring and management services.

Who is this program for?

The program is suitable for business owners, consultants, marketing staff and business development managers, and staff. Any professional can benefit from this program.

Ready to get started?

I look forward to helping you transform your Company Page to showcase your team, talents and expertise, and build an online presence that increases your profits and brings you opportunities.


LinkedIn Demystifer

Jo Saunders

Jo Saunders is a personal branding and content marketing consultant and educator known for demystifying LinkedIn. She is passionate about inspiring individuals and organisations to use social media tools to connect and communicate effectively and authentically, to build relationships and attract opportunities.Connect: @JoSaundersAU

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Company Page and Ad Strategy

    • Introduction to the Program

    • Welcome to the course

    • Create a course folder

    • Capture your current Company Page

    • Company Page and Ad Strategy lesson

    • Company Page Worksheet

    • ​Homework

    • Questions?

  • $49.00

    $49.00LinkedIn Training - Publishing & Content Marketing

    Buy Now
  • $49.00

    $49.00LinkedIn Training - Profile Building

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